2304, 2018

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Kuala Lumpur, 23 April 2018 – Persatuan Insurans Am Malaysia (PIAM) has re-elected Mr. Antony Lee, CEO of AIG Malaysia Insurance Bhd as its Chairman and Mr. Chua Seck Guan, CEO, MSIG Insurance (Malaysia) Bhd as the Deputy Chairman at its 40th Annual General Meeting held on 20 April 2018.

Mr. Antony Lee said, “It has been a challenging year for the industry and the Management Committee anticipates more excitement and major developments ahead. The Phased Liberalisation of the Motor Tariff is already changing the landscape of the general insurance industry.  The National Consumer Education Campaign has raised awareness amongst the public on the benefits to consumers and emphasized the need to be safe drivers/road users.   Accident rates in Malaysia remained alarmingly high. PIAM is intensifying its collaboration with all major stakeholders to reduce road accidents nationwide. The Association has set a stretched target of reducing national road accidents by 20% for 2018 and 50% from 2020 onwards.”

He added that the changing environment with digitalization and the internet of things will compel insurers to re-think their strategies. Consumers are now looking at digital touch points to enhance customer’s experience. Insurance companies are vigorously looking at changing their processes and procedures to match the demands of the digital savvy consumers, whilst being aware of cyber-crimes or threats at the same time. In embracing technology PIAM will leverage on connectivity in an industry built on trust for the overall benefit of consumers and the nation as a whole.

In addition to the Chairman and Deputy Chairman,  seven CEOs of member companies of PIAM have been elected on the Management Committee for 2018/2019, namely:-

Mr. Emmanuel Nivet (AXA Affin General Insurance Berhad)

Mr. Ng Kok Kheng (Great Eastern General Insurance (Malaysia) Berhad)

Ms. Defne Turkes (Liberty Insurance Berhad)

En. Zainudin Ishak (Malaysian Reinsurance Bhd,)

Mr. Kong Shu Yin (RHB Insurance Berhad)

Mr  Chris Kurinsky (QBE Insurance (M) Berhad) and

Mr. David Fike (Zurich General Insurance Malaysia Bhd)

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