1510, 2020

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Kuala Lumpur, 15 October 2020 – Persatuan Insurans Am Malaysia (PIAM) has announced the appointment of Julie Lean Gim Chong as the Chief Executive Officer Designate of the Association with effect from 15 October 2020. There will be a phased handover transition until she takes over the duties of the current CEO, Mark Lim Kian Wei on 15 November 2020. Mark will relinquish his post as CEO with effect from 15 November and take on an advisory role until his retirement in mid-January 2021.

Julie has an international career spanning 25 years in senior management positions with multinational insurers and a global bank in Australia, United Kingdom, Singapore and Hong Kong. Her work experience includes regional management responsibilities for the Asia Pacific region and a Group Head Office role covering more than 18 countries in Europe, Asia and USA. Julie has a proven ability in rapidly acquiring and understanding broad trends, challenges and critical success factors, and implementing identified strategic initiatives in the insurance and banking sectors.

With an exceptional track record in leading and delivering, Julie is particularly looking forward to working with stakeholders and further building on the talent bandwidth of the PIAM Secretariat team to develop and deliver the priorities of the Association.

We would like to thank Mark for his tremendous contribution to the Association and the general insurance industry for more than 6 years and wish him the best in his future endeavors.

The Chairman and Board of Directors of PIAM welcome Julie on board the Association and look forward to continuing the transformation of PIAM to further the development of the general insurance industry.

Photo: Julie Chong