Kuala Lumpur, 21 March 2025 – With an estimated 2.5million vehicles expected to be on major highways this Raya, road safety is paramount. Despite a 1.4% decrease in reported accidents in 2024 compared to 2023, vigilance remains crucial. The Malaysian government, along with regulatory bodies and road safety advocates, including the general insurance industry are committed to continuing efforts to reduce road accidents.

Efforts like the ban of goods-carrying vehicles from the roads during peak festival periods and the annual ‘OP Selamat’ road safety campaign, among others, have played a significant role in reducing the number of road accidents during the Raya season. In fact, ‘Op Selamat 22’ in 2024 recorded 8,862 reported cases, marking a 1.4% decrease in accidents compared to the previous year, where 8,989 cases were reported. Although the fatality rate slightly increased during the festive season, with 18 deaths observed compared to 17 deaths on normal days, the number of fatal accident cases still decreased by 10% with 105 cases compared to 117 cases in 2023. Furthermore, the total number of deaths recorded in 2024 was 6% lower with 119 deaths compared to 126 deaths in the previous year1.

Road Accident Trends During Hari Raya

The statistics below show that the efforts to reduce accidents during the festive season are yielding positive results, but more work is needed to ensure safety for all road users.

Despite the positive outcomes, there are still areas that require action, particularly in the area of motorcycle accidents. PIAM strongly advises against using smaller motorcycles for long- distance travel, as riders and pillions count for the highest number of fatalities. In 2024, there were 79 deaths, just a slight decrease from 80 deaths in 20232. These deaths were mainly caused by skidding which led to failure to control the vehicle, entering the lane in opposite directions, fatigue and sleepiness while riding.

Safe Travels This Raya

Before starting on your Raya journey, consider these key safety and insurance tips.

1.     Plan your journey well

  • Schedule your drive time using navigation applications to stay informed of real- time traffic, route suggestions, weather conditions and rest areas for your
  • Download your insurer’s digital roadside assistance application for roadside assistance and keep a digital copy of your motor insurance and road tax for easy reference.

2.     Check your vehicle

  • Inspect tires, brakes, lights and fluids level to ensure your vehicle is at optimal
  • Don’t overload your car with passengers or luggage, as it can affect vehicle handling and safety.

3.      Stay alert and rest regularly

  • Avoid distractions such as mobile phone and maintain a safe distance with other vehicles.
  • Take breaks every 2 hours to avoid fatigue, especially during long

Insurance Check: Ensure You’re Covered

As part of your preparation, PIAM recommends reviewing your motor insurance policy.

1)    Geographic location coverage

Ensure your vehicle insurance includes coverage for the geographic locations you are driving to especially if you are crossing borders to Thailand or Singapore. You may need to extend the coverage while driving outside the country or extend to include passenger’s liability respectively.

2)    Additional named driver

Check if your vehicle insurance covers additional drivers. If you have more than one person driving the vehicle, ensure they are named on the policy, or the coverage is on All Drivers basis to avoid the application of compulsory excess in the event of a claim.

3)    Roadside assistance and towing

Comprehensive coverage should include roadside assistance and towing. Review the policy wording to understand the benefits and download your insurer’s digital roadside assistance application beforehand.

4)    Special perils

Given the unpredictable weather, it’s a good idea to include special perils coverage, for added protection in case of flash floods or weather-related incidents.




1 Sinar Harian, 17 April 2024. Ops Selamat 22 catat penurunan kes kemalangan, kematian. https://www.sinarharian.com.my/article/660061/berita/semasa/op-selamat-22-catat- penurunan-kes-kemalangan-kematian

2 Berita Harian, 28 April 2023. Ops Selamat 20 capai matlamat, kurangkan kemalangan maut. https://www.bharian.com.my/berita/nasional/2023/04/1094964/op-selamat-20- capai-matlamat-kurangkan-kemalangan-maut




About Persatuan Insurans Am Malaysia (PIAM)

The history of PIAM originated from the establishment of various insurance and tariff associations set up in 1885 that played a role as a collective voice of the insurance industry in Malaya and Singapore shortly after the Independence of Malaya in 1957. In June 1961, the Insurance Association of Federation of Malaya was formed to maintain tariff insurance legislations and promote sound insurance practices. For the first time, an Association was established in Kuala Lumpur to safeguard the country’s general insurance interest. Subsequently, PIAM was established in May 1979 as a statutory trade association recognised by the Government of Malaysia for all registered insurance business. Currently, PIAM has 23 member companies comprising direct general insurance and reinsurance companies operating in Malaysia.

To learn more about PIAM, visit www.piam.org.my

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Media Relations Contact:
Susanna G. Simon
Consumer Education, PR and Corporate Communications Persatuan Insurans Am Malaysia (PIAM)
Tel                    : +603-2274 7399
Fax                   : +603-2274 5910
E-mail               : susanna.simon@piam.org.my