Kuala Lumpur, 12 August 2022 – With reference to the allegations featured in thearticle titled “Lanun insurans rompak Baucar Perlindungan Tenang besar-besaran?”,aired on Utusan TV on 10 August 2022 pertaining to the Perlindungan Tenang Voucher (PTV) programme, Persatuan Insurans Am Malaysia (PIAM) was made aware that an individual had claimed to represent PIAM in a complaint involving unauthorised redemption of Perlindungan Tenang (PT) voucher.
PIAM would like to categorically state that none of PIAM’s personnel were involved in this alleged incident either directly or indirectly in any manner at any time. PIAM’s staff are expected to maintain the highest standards of professionalism and integrity at all times.
No third-party representative has been appointed to liaise with the public in relation to the management of PTV complaints on behalf of PIAM and the public is strongly advised to be vigilant of such claims.
PIAM does not condone actions of any person or party who alleges to represent or impersonate PIAM under false pretenses, which is a punishable offence under the law. PIAM will not hesitate to report to the relevant authorities against the said person or party and/or take the necessary actions to protect the interest of PIAM.
Perlindungan Tenang is an initiative introduced by Bank Negara Malaysia in 2017. This initiative brings together the insurance and takaful industry to develop insurance and takaful products that meet the needs of underserved segments, particularly the lower-income population.
For more information or further clarification, please visit www.myptv.my or
www.mycoverage.my or contact PTV Programme Call Center at 03 7723 9333, from 8.00 am to 6.00 pm, Monday to Friday.
About General Insurance Association of Malaysia (PIAM)
PIAM is the national trade association of licensed direct and reinsurance companies for general insurance in Malaysia. Currently, PIAM has 25 member companies. More information on PIAM can be obtained from its website: www.piam.org.my.
Media Relations Contact:
(Ms) Christina Thomas
Head, Corporate Communications & Public Relations, PIAM
Tel : +603-2274 7399 x 201
Fax : +603-2274 5910
E-mail : corpcomms@piam.org.my